We all have been curious to find out about our secret facebook profile viewer. We wonder whether my friends or ex-are viewing our profile or not. As a youngster you might also be scared of your parents might check your Facebook and will get to know what you are up to. And I am sure that you might have come to thousands of such apps and blog post giving remedy to your problem and all of them have just fooled you.
You can be 100 percent certain that each and every app that says “See who views your profile!” or “stalker tracker” or anything else like that is virus-laden junk. These apps would like you to cough up your Facebook password, or they might install the ability to spam your friends via your Facebook wall. In some cases, malicious users can even use their junk apps to find your physical address [source: Stellin]. But today I will be giving you the right medicine to cure your curiosity.
So if you want to find out your Facebook profile viewer please read this article completely to know them.
That’s The simplest way to find Who Viewed your Facebook Profile by using a Google Chrome extension. It’s just as easy as it can just follow the steps given below to figure out your Facebook profile viewer
- First of all open chrome and open chrome extension Social Profile view notification.
- Click on Add to Chrome to add this extension to your browser.
- Once it’s downloaded just click on Add Extension.
- Now open facebook and log in to your account to know Who Viewed My Facebook Profile.
- Once you are on Facebook, just look at the timeline bar.
- You will see that there is one more option named “Visitors” have been added.
- Open your Facebook profile page – facebook.com/abc in Google chrome.
- Right-click in chrome and select “View page Source”.
- A new tab will automatically open with some source codes
- This will have information about your profile.
- Hold CTRL + F to search (without quotes) – “InitialChatFriendsList”.
- You will get profile IDs of person who visited your Facebook page.
- Open Facebook in other tab and paste the profile IDs along with a “\”. For example, if the ID is 1234, you have to put it as- facebook.com/1234.
- ID shown first is the one who visit your page often and the last ID is the one who visit the least.
Facebook Insights
Facebook insights can be used to track fan page traffic. Insights track the number of people who like their page, how many people see a post and how many people clicked the post. It’s already in the Facebook app directory, so simply search for it within Facebook, and you can have it installed with a couple of clicks and find out your facebook profile viewer.
If you want more full-featured analytics, you’re going to have to get a little creative. One place to go for analytics is outside data monitoring sites like Webtrends. Simply set up an account, and Webtrends will return somewhat detailed analytics about the number and type of people viewing your Facebook business or fan page.
Google Analytics
With a little finagling, you can also install the gold standard of Web-tracking services, Google Analytics. This bad boy allows users to get finite data, like date, time and location, about visitors to their pages. First set up a Google Analytics account, and then add a new profile for your Facebook fan or business page. By using Google Analytics you can easily track your facebook profile viewer.